for sportspersons


for patients



The SAVVY ECG is a medical device for accurate monitoring of heart rate measurements.
Savvy = common sense

Savvy ECG is a Slovenian product.

It was developed in cooperation with the research – development group of the Laboratory for parallel and distributed systems, Department of communication systems at the “Josef Stefan” Institute in Ljubljana.

The heart rate monitor, the Savvy ECG, is a medical device like a thermometer, blood pressure monitor … and can be used by multiple people. It is easy to clean, disinfect with conventional disinfectants for use by different people. The electrodes on the skin are disposable.

When do we use the SAVVY ECG?

We recommend using at:
  • Feelings of rapid, slow or irregular heartbeat.
  • When we have occasional dizziness that may be caused by a heart rhythm disorder.
  • We want to check the adequacy of cardiac rhythm monitoring after initiating certain treatments (eg, appropriate heart rate in patients with atrial fibrillation).
  • We have conditions that could be the result of a heart rhythm disorder (eg patients with unexplained stroke).
  • Unexplained periods of decrease in physical capacity when is suspected that a change in cardiac muscle that is not the result of obstruction in the arteries of the heart.
  • Monitoring the impact of ambulatory use of some antiarrhythmic drugs with the aim of early detection of unexpected effects.
  • You have unexplained syncope or fainting (sudden short-term unconsciousness).
  • You experience shortness of breath with unpleasant feeling during physical activity.
And factors:

aging, stress, diabetes, arterial hypertension, heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, obesity, alcoholism, heart attacks and strokes in the family.

  • up to 7 days of continuous measurements without recharging the battery,
  • fast battery charge, 2 hours,
  • lightweight, only 21 g,
  • without long cables and wires,
  • 12 months warranty
  • 500 cycles of battery life,
  • no worries during shower, sports and intimacy.

The Savvy ECG heart rate monitor is easy to use. It does not interfere the user during daily tasks. The Savvy ECG is easily positioned close to the heart. It records heart rate during movement, so you can us it without restriction. No worries even during the shower, sports and intimacy. Only swimming in the sea, swimming pool, soaking in the tub is not advised – not allowed.

  • easy to place close to the heart,
  • records measurements of heart function even during movement,
  • a free MobECG application that allows you to mark the events you want to report to a doctor and gives you a historical overview of all measurements taken during the period of time,
  • an ECG report easy deliver or email as pdf to the doctor or cardiologist,
  • an ECG opinion can be provided by a personal physician or cardiologist,
  • if you have a Savvy ECG, there is no need for a long time waiting for the Holter ECG.

The only condition for monitoring performance is a mobile device / phone that has: Bluetooth 4.0, android version 5.1, colour screen, at least 2GB of space, and function to off the battery saving feature.

The Savvy ECG and the phone have Bluetooth connectivity up to 10 meters between the devices.

To monitor the measurements, you need to install the free MobECG application from the Google Play Store on your phone.

During the measurement, the MobECG application allows you to: mark events, record sensations, irregular flashes that you want to report to your doctor, and provide a historical overview of all taken measurements.

Arrhythmias do not work on request.

Longer time – 7 days – to perform continuous heart rate measurements with Savvy ECG is an important step in medicine – cardiology for the detection and diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation (AF).
Complications associated with Atrial Fibrillation can be fatal, so a quick diagnosis is even more important for further treatment.
Atrial Fibrillation is recognized as a sudden rapid heartbeat in an uneven rhythm. Seek medical attention, untreated Atrial Fibrillation can be one of the causes of unexplained stroke.


By using the Savvy ECG, you already have measurements that can be shown to your doctor and you don’t have to wait long for a Holter’s heart rate monitoring.

I see and monitor my heart rate on my phone.

Arrhythmias do not "work" on request.

Even 72 hours can be too short monitoring interval.

Caring for the heart of family members.

One concern less with the Savvy ECG.


I take care of my health on time.

First arrhythmias - 100 questions.

Savvy ECG is the answer.

I simply print the ECG report

and bring it to the doctor for review.

We also prevent stroke.

For about 30 % of patients they are unable to identify a clear cause of stroke, so we are talking about cryptogenic (of dubious, unclear or unknown origin) stroke. At least 20 % cryptogenic stroke there is a cause in an Atrial Fibrillation.


About 4,400 people a year are affected by stroke in Slovenia. It is the third cause of mortality and the first cause of disability in our country, which entails high costs of treatment, extremely reduced quality of life (absence from work, rehabilitation, care for loved ones, …).
In approximately


of patients the cause of stroke cannot be identified.

people a year are affected by stroke in Slovenia.

Why is usual heart rate monitoring only partially successful?

  • The main indicator of heart rhythm disturbance is an ECG recording that you take at your doctor,
  • the rhythm disorder often goes away before the patient comes to the doctor,
  • heart rate monitoring – ECG record – is too short (up to 1 minute in ambulance),
  • monitoring of heart rate is often too short (up to 48 hours with Holter monitoring),
  • Holter device has a lot of cables and is awkward in everyday life,
  • the waiting time for a Holter device is several weeks.

The solution is to use a Savvy ECG heart rate monitor.


    Measurements – ECG REPORT – Doctor

    The mobile device keeps a history of all measurements of heart activity and events that the user has marked. By using the mobile application (MobECG) you can easily print an ECG REPORT for your doctor. You can determine the length of the ECG report and it records the cardiac activity up to 30 minutes.

    You can make any number of prints and for any number of events.

    ECG report (PDF) easy:

    • send by email or
    • print it out and bring to your doctor.


    • Buy the phone without a binding at a price of 149 €.
    • Free additional electrode package for a use by the whole family.
    • Free Shipping in Slovenia, lowest additional in EU.

    Pogoji uporabe
    Varstvo osebnih podatkov
    Splošni pogoji spletne trgovine

    Medico Veritas d.o.o.
    Prečna ulica 2, 6230 Postojna

    Davčna: SI-17996481
    Matična: 6366759000
    TRR: SI56 1010 0005 1941 846


    M | 040 / 70 60 15

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